How to run Jitsi video conference server behind NAT and internal Reverse Proxy

Published on April 19th 2024 - Listed in Internet Nginx Linux Network Office - 0 comments

siege [error] socket: unable to connect sock.c:282: Connection refused

Published on February 7th 2024 - Listed in Linux Nginx Apache Security - 0 comments

Nginx Ingress configuration gone after Rancher and Kubernetes update

Published on March 23rd 2022 - Listed in Rancher Kubernetes Docker Cloud Containers Nginx - 0 comments

Nginx add_header not working, headers not showing up or disappearing in response

Published on February 8th 2022 - last updated on April 22nd 2022 - Listed in Nginx Internet - 0 comments

Using Nginx and LUA script to mitigate against Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228) vulnerability attacks

Published on December 12th 2021 - last updated on December 15th 2021 - Listed in Nginx Security Internet - 0 comments

Nginx reverse proxy error: SSL alert number 40 while SSL handshaking to upstream server (SSL server name)

Published on August 30th 2021 - Listed in Nginx Security TLS - 6 comments

Defining optional (sub-) URI paths in Nginx locations using PCRE regular expressions

Published on July 16th 2021 - Listed in Nginx Perl - 0 comments

Nginx reverse proxy error: SSL alert number 47 while SSL handshaking to upstream

Published on July 14th 2021 - Listed in Nginx Security TLS - 0 comments

Nginx crashes after being reloaded twice (or more) on Ubuntu 20.04

Published on May 5th 2021 - Listed in Nginx Linux - 3 comments

Important Nginx configuration changes after upgrading Ubuntu from 16.04 to 20.04

Published on March 4th 2021 - Listed in Nginx Linux - 0 comments

Solve Seahub start problems after Seafile upgrade from 6.2 to 7.0

Published on November 18th 2020 - last updated on April 9th 2021 - Listed in Cloud Linux Seafile Nginx - 0 comments

Nginx 1.14 on Debian 10 (Buster) filling error logs with nchan_store_init_worker assertion failed

Published on November 13th 2020 - Listed in Nginx Linux - 2 comments

Nginx and Apache access logs in Kibana and how to search for request path / (slash)

Published on September 28th 2020 - last updated on September 29th 2020 - Listed in ELK Kibana Nginx Apache Elasticsearch - 0 comments

500 Internal Server Error served by Nginx reverse proxy due to worker_connections are not enough

Published on August 14th 2020 - Listed in Nginx - 0 comments

Grafana dashboard behind reverse proxy not showing graph but shows error 414 Request-URI Too Large

Published on July 14th 2020 - Listed in Nginx Grafana Monitoring - 0 comments

Using ELK to collect Nginx logs and show TLS version and ciphers used by HTTP clients

Published on March 27th 2020 - last updated on June 7th 2024 - Listed in ELK Filebeat Nginx Internet TLS Security - 0 comments

Nginx: Proper way to use different reverse proxy upstream based on user-agent without using if

Published on February 24th 2020 - Listed in Nginx - 3 comments

How we successfully deflected a layer 7 DDOS attack with Nginx and GeoIP

Published on June 27th 2019 - Listed in Nginx Internet Security - 0 comments

Debugging a HTTP 400 Bad Request error in Nginx leads to too large headers

Published on May 28th 2019 - last updated on April 16th 2021 - Listed in Nginx HAProxy Internet - 1 comments

Nginx socket() failed (24: Too many open files)

Published on May 9th 2019 - last updated on February 1st 2021 - Listed in Nginx Linux - 8 comments

Investigating HTTP server response (json) is cut/incomplete before the end

Published on March 8th 2019 - Listed in Nginx Linux Internet - 1 comments

Different proxy_pass upstream depending on client ip address in Nginx

Published on October 26th 2018 - Listed in Nginx Internet Linux - 1 comments

Nginx: Serve error pages from reverse proxy, not from upstream server

Published on September 21st 2017 - Listed in Internet Linux Nginx - 0 comments

Empty page returned from Nginx with fastcgi caching (HEAD vs GET)

Published on April 21st 2017 - Listed in Linux Nginx - 2 comments

Nginx compile fails with fatal error: ld terminated with signal 9

Published on April 21st 2017 - Listed in Linux Nginx - 0 comments

Custom HTTP headers not showing up on 404 response status

Published on January 23rd 2017 - last updated on April 22nd 2022 - Listed in Linux Nginx - 0 comments

Ubuntu 16.04 xenial does not rotate nginx and rsyslog logfiles

Published on October 10th 2016 - Listed in Linux Nginx - 1 comments

Limit http request methods in Nginx (authentication except for GET)

Published on May 31st 2016 - Listed in Nginx Linux - 0 comments

Nginx: Configure bypassing and or purging the cache

Published on September 30th 2015 - Listed in Linux Nginx - 1 comments

Enable caching in Nginx Reverse Proxy (and solve cache MISS only)

Published on September 17th 2015 - Listed in Linux Nginx - 9 comments

Nginx talking to remote php-fpm backend server: No input file specified.

Published on June 10th 2015 - Listed in PHP Linux Nginx - 2 comments

Nginx in front of Apache: Only default server website is shown

Published on June 18th 2014 - Listed in Linux Internet Nginx Apache - 0 comments

Nginx emerg error: could not build the server_names_hash

Published on June 5th 2014 - Listed in Linux Internet Unix Nginx - 0 comments

Prevent nginx from serving content to external domains (hotlinking)

Published on June 4th 2014 - Listed in Linux Unix Internet Nginx - 0 comments

Nginx rewrite URL examples with and without redirect address

Published on January 13th 2014 - last updated on February 21st 2022 - Listed in Nginx Internet Linux Unix - 6 comments

Monitoring nginx web server with

Published on November 1st 2013 - Listed in Internet Monitoring Nagios Linux Nginx - 3 comments

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