Debugging HPE ilorest command failing (error while loading shared libraries:

Published on March 20th 2024 - Listed in Hardware Linux Monitoring Shell - 0 comments

Shell scripting: How to verify a command actually exists on the system

Published on December 7th 2023 - Listed in Linux Shell Bash Coding - 2 comments

How to use SFTP password authentication in a Bash script using non-interactive (batch) mode

Published on December 23rd 2022 - Listed in Coding Bash Linux Shell - 0 comments

The problem using output redirection >/dev/null as a variable in Bash Shell script

Published on December 22nd 2022 - Listed in Coding Bash Linux Shell - 0 comments

How to do bulk/mass changes on DNS records in PowerDNS with MySQL backend

Published on March 2nd 2021 - Listed in DNS PowerDNS Linux Coding Shell MySQL Database - 0 comments

How to use sed to append quote characters around a DNS TXT record

Published on February 24th 2021 - Listed in DNS PowerDNS Linux Coding Shell - 0 comments

Terminator terminal broadcast all option broadcasts input to all other terminator windows

Published on November 25th 2020 - Listed in Shell Linux - 0 comments

How to match case insensitive (uppercase and lower case) strings with regular expression in Bash

Published on September 4th 2020 - last updated on November 25th 2021 - Listed in Coding Bash Linux Shell - 0 comments

How to remove the first word of a line in Bash - comparing awk vs. cut vs. sed

Published on September 4th 2020 - last updated on August 4th 2021 - Listed in Coding Bash Linux Shell - 3 comments

Installing (compiling) jshon with libjansson on an old Linux (SLES 10)

Published on February 28th 2020 - Listed in Shell Linux - 0 comments

Mass file renaming in Bash based on search/replace or regular expressions

Published on August 19th 2019 - last updated on January 17th 2024 - Listed in Bash Linux Shell - 0 comments

Terminator terminal suddenly inserting each character twice when broadcasting to multiple windows

Published on June 3rd 2019 - Listed in Linux Internet Shell - 24 comments

Regex != regex in sed (or: replacing digits in sed)

Published on December 14th 2018 - Listed in Shell Linux Coding - 0 comments

Another way to append a text in sed using ampersand

Published on August 15th 2018 - Listed in Linux Shell Bash Coding - 3 comments

Retrieving a value from XML document in Linux Bash

Published on July 24th 2018 - last updated on November 12th 2020 - Listed in Monitoring Linux Icinga Shell Coding - 0 comments

Bash: date -d 1 month ago still shows the same month

Published on March 29th 2018 - Listed in Linux Shell Bash Coding - 0 comments

Bash: Why is a multi-line output saved as one line in a variable?

Published on March 26th 2018 - Listed in Linux Shell Bash Coding - 6 comments

How to retrieve values from json output in Bash

Published on April 29th 2016 - last updated on October 15th 2021 - Listed in Linux Coding Shell - 0 comments

awk: print last few elements of a line

Published on October 16th 2015 - Listed in Linux Coding Shell - 0 comments

Read or count number of lines of an Excel xlsx file in Linux on the cli

Published on July 29th 2015 - Listed in Linux Perl Shell Windows Coding Office - 2 comments

Permission denied error on /root/.bash_profile when running su command

Published on November 25th 2014 - Listed in Linux Shell - 1 comments

awk issue when trying to sort variables with same values

Published on September 29th 2014 - Listed in Linux Shell Coding - 0 comments

Are there any shellshock attacks (in Apache access logs)?

Published on September 26th 2014 - Listed in Hacks Linux Shell Apache - 1 comments

Use bash to compare remote cpu load and print lowest value of array

Published on August 14th 2014 - Listed in Linux Shell Coding - 0 comments

How to remove a newline character of every second line in bash

Published on April 1st 2014 - Listed in Linux Shell Unix Coding - 0 comments

Reminder: Do not start with an integer for a variable name in Bash

Published on March 31st 2014 - Listed in Shell Linux Unix Coding Bash - 0 comments

Using date in a cronjob (and solve error grandchild failed error)

Published on December 13th 2013 - last updated on April 29th 2022 - Listed in Linux Shell - 0 comments

OTRS migration to another server; what to look out for

Published on October 29th 2013 - Listed in OTRS Linux Unix Shell - 5 comments

Linux/Unix seq: Add a zero digit in front of 1-9

Published on October 7th 2013 - Listed in Linux Shell Unix Coding - 2 comments

Looking for tcpdump on Solaris? Use snoop!

Published on July 12th 2013 - Listed in Linux Solaris Shell Network Unix - 1 comments

YUM and DNF vs. Zypper vs. APT, RPM vs. dpkg command comparison and cheat sheet

Published on June 12th 2013 - last updated on May 21st 2024 - Listed in Linux Shell - 2 comments

How to monitor qmail mail queue (check_mailq alternative)

Published on April 29th 2013 - Listed in Nagios Linux Shell Mail Monitoring - 2 comments

Handling qmail queue

Published on April 19th 2013 - Listed in Linux Shell Mail - 1 comments

User quota disk space monitoring with check_disk

Published on March 18th 2013 - Listed in BSD Linux Shell Nagios Monitoring - 0 comments

grub2 boot issues after hdd replacement

Published on January 26th 2013 - Listed in Linux Shell Hardware Rant - 0 comments

SmartOS: svcs: Could not bind to repository server. Finding the cause.

Published on January 9th 2013 - Listed in Solaris Shell Database SmartOS Unix - 8 comments

Nagiosgraph not showing correct values for disk space

Published on December 19th 2012 - Listed in Nagios Linux Internet Shell Monitoring - 0 comments

Weird case: MySQL causing high disk IO when ZFS filesystem shrinks

Published on December 18th 2012 - Listed in BSD Database Shell MySQL ZFS Rant - 1 comments

Get MySQL Status - but only some values

Published on November 28th 2012 - Listed in Database Linux Shell MySQL - 2 comments

Analysis with dtrace: Filesystem is full although files were deleted

Published on October 18th 2012 - Listed in Linux Shell - 0 comments

Script to calculate/show percentage of current year passed

Published on August 13th 2012 - Listed in Linux PHP Shell Coding - 0 comments

Comparing SSH port forwarding Linux vs. Mac OS X

Published on July 21st 2011 - last updated on September 23rd 2020 - Listed in Linux Shell Macintosh - 0 comments

The tabulator in bash

Published on August 23rd 2010 - Listed in Linux Shell Coding - 0 comments

Why -while read line- does not work with stdout

Published on April 16th 2010 - Listed in Linux Shell Coding - 0 comments

Update of Nagios Plugin

Published on October 16th 2008 - Listed in Nagios Shell MySQL Monitoring Database - 0 comments

PHP make install on a Debian system with Apache 2

Published on October 13th 2008 - Listed in PHP Linux Shell Apache - 0 comments

New How To's

Published on June 4th 2008 - Listed in VMware PHP Linux Shell Internet - 0 comments

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