Troubleshooting very slow Wordpress backend (100% CPU usage on uploads) with eBFP and Flamegraphs

Published on May 6th 2023 - last updated on December 12th 2023 - Listed in Linux Apache PHP Wordpress - 1 comments

How to create PHP files with Ansible blockinfile and fix headers already sent errors with correct markers

Published on November 30th 2022 - Listed in PHP Ansible - 0 comments

How to fix unparsable structured data issues detected by Google Search Console

Published on November 20th 2022 - last updated on November 29th 2022 - Listed in Internet PHP Personal - 0 comments

Wordpress (Japanese SEO) hack extracting and executing code from uploaded ZIP file

Published on August 26th 2022 - Listed in Security Wordpress PHP Hacks - 0 comments

Oops... there was a problem during the request after updating Matomo (Piwik) to 4.8.0

Published on March 18th 2022 - Listed in PHP Internet - 0 comments

How to use PHP built-in web server and disable access logging

Published on February 28th 2022 - Listed in PHP Linux - 0 comments

Technical analysis of Wordpress hack with PHP script lock360.php as running process

Published on February 22nd 2022 - last updated on November 14th 2023 - Listed in PHP Security Linux Hacks Wordpress - 9 comments

How to change PHP version on the command line (CLI) using alternatives

Published on January 31st 2022 - Listed in PHP Linux - 0 comments

PHP errors Class Locale and DOMImplementation not found after Icingaweb 2 upgrade

Published on September 29th 2021 - Listed in Icinga Monitoring PHP Linux - 2 comments

MySQL syntax error when inserting empty values using PHP (not automatically assigned NULL)

Published on September 22nd 2021 - Listed in PHP MySQL MariaDB Database Coding - 0 comments

MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND errors showing up in Icingaweb2 after OS (and PHP) upgrade

Published on July 27th 2021 - Listed in Icinga Monitoring PHP Linux - 1 comments

Better (PHP) coding and spotting syntax errors with CodeLobster IDE editor

Published on April 16th 2021 - Listed in HTML PHP Coding - 0 comments

PHP: Translations with gettext not working in Apache mod_php but works on command line (caused by mod_perl)

Published on November 17th 2020 - Listed in Apache PHP Linux Coding - 2 comments

How to convert form fields into JSON data and submit data with HTTP POST using curl in PHP

Published on October 28th 2020 - Listed in PHP Coding - 0 comments

Speed comparison PHP 7.0 vs. 7.2 vs. 7.4 using MySQL PDO connection

Published on July 21st 2020 - Listed in PHP Linux Database - 0 comments

Wordpress keeps flashing updating button when updating pages using WPML Multilingual CMS

Published on August 17th 2019 - Listed in Wordpress PHP - 0 comments

Create a thumbnail in PHP with imagemagick and rename accordingly

Published on March 7th 2019 - last updated on March 13th 2019 - Listed in PHP - 0 comments

Unique sorting of multiple words in string in PHP

Published on March 3rd 2019 - Listed in PHP - 0 comments

Adapt Roundcube managesieve plugin to dynamically lookup sieve host

Published on September 7th 2018 - Listed in PHP Mail Linux Roundcube - 0 comments

Fix table increment counter in MariaDB or MySQL after manual row deletion

Published on July 24th 2018 - Listed in PHP MySQL MariaDB Database - 0 comments

XT Commerce http status 500 without any PHP errors

Published on October 31st 2017 - Listed in Internet PHP - 0 comments

Magento2 Load Balancer Health Check for AWS ELB

Published on June 26th 2017 - Listed in AWS Internet PHP MySQL DB Linux - 0 comments

Easy FX currency converter in PHP

Published on June 14th 2017 - Listed in PHP - 0 comments

PHP: sys_temp_dir is not the same as upload_tmp_dir, it stays /tmp

Published on December 9th 2016 - Listed in PHP - 0 comments

Magento shop hacked, possibly through Connect Manager

Published on December 5th 2016 - Listed in Hacks PHP - 0 comments

Migrated web-application from PHP 5.4 to PHP 7: 3x faster!

Published on June 10th 2016 - Listed in PHP - 0 comments

Using PHP preg_replace to read NIC information from check_nwc_health

Published on March 4th 2016 - Listed in PHP - 0 comments

Automatic php form validation with HTML5 (required)

Published on December 18th 2015 - Listed in Internet HTML PHP - 0 comments

HAProxy: Make httpchk on different port than application

Published on June 11th 2015 - Listed in PHP Linux HAProxy MySQL - 1 comments

Nginx talking to remote php-fpm backend server: No input file specified.

Published on June 10th 2015 - Listed in PHP Linux Nginx - 2 comments

Joomla website hacked through Akeeba component (com_joomlaupdate)

Published on February 25th 2015 - Listed in Hacks Internet PHP - 0 comments

Public and Private keys incorrect error in Wordpress with SSH auth

Published on February 2nd 2015 - Listed in Internet PHP CMS Wordpress - 0 comments

Wordpress hacked through vulnerability in Wysija (Mail Poet)

Published on November 9th 2014 - Listed in Internet Hacks PHP - 0 comments

Old Wordpress (3.4.2) hacked and used to create and execute binary

Published on February 26th 2014 - Listed in Hacks PHP - 3 comments

Comparing new Roundcube 1.0 config file and its options to older 0.8.x

Published on February 11th 2014 - Listed in Mail PHP Linux Roundcube - 0 comments

PHP application stopped working after PHP upgrade to 5.3 (T_GOTO)

Published on December 9th 2013 - Listed in PHP Linux - 0 comments

Unidentifiable load increase after upgrade to PHP 5.3

Published on December 9th 2013 - Listed in PHP Linux - 0 comments

PHP 5.2.17 on Debian Wheezy 7: Solve make error in xp_ssl.c

Published on October 26th 2013 - Listed in PHP Linux - 0 comments

phpmailer with mini_sendmail issue also affects modified shop cms

Published on October 2nd 2013 - Listed in Internet PHP Mail CMS Rant - 0 comments

Virtuemart shop does not like APC: Internal Zend error - Missing class info

Published on September 26th 2013 - Listed in PHP - 0 comments

You have an error in your SQL syntax - single quote in text issue

Published on September 19th 2013 - Listed in PHP MySQL Database - 2 comments

Changing from PHP mysql to mysqli - what to look out for

Published on September 14th 2013 - last updated on April 28th 2021 - Listed in Internet PHP MySQL - 0 comments

Now that's what I call a web hack! (wonder.php,

Published on September 5th 2013 - last updated on May 11th 2023 - Listed in Internet PHP Linux BSD Hacks - 1 comments

SmartOS: Why PHP-FPM writes tons of /dev/poll warnings into log

Published on June 19th 2013 - Listed in SmartOS Unix Solaris PHP - 0 comments

PHP 5.4 fails to compile with g++ (use gcc instead)

Published on May 4th 2013 - Listed in Linux PHP - 2 comments

Another confusing PHP 5.4 compilation error: This time mcrypt_module_open

Published on May 4th 2013 - Listed in PHP Linux - 0 comments

PHP 5.4 compilation error: build with IMAP works... no

Published on May 4th 2013 - Listed in Linux PHP - 0 comments

Another cgi web shell found (webr00t), uploaded through old Joomla

Published on May 2nd 2013 - Listed in Internet PHP Hacks - 0 comments

Contao CMS Updates not working (suhosin patch active)

Published on April 22nd 2013 - Listed in PHP Internet - 0 comments

Follow-up on the Joomla mailing issue with mini_sendmail

Published on April 16th 2013 - Listed in Internet PHP Mail - 0 comments

Follow up on the modified shop installation error

Published on January 19th 2013 - Listed in PHP Internet Linux - 0 comments

modified eCommerce shop 1.06 installer is broken - how to fix it

Published on January 18th 2013 - Listed in PHP Internet Rant - 0 comments

Joomla aklazy plugin sets weird meta refreshes, causing high load

Published on December 14th 2012 - Listed in PHP Internet - 0 comments

Install imagemagick as PHP extension in Debian without apt

Published on October 6th 2012 - Listed in PHP Linux - 1 comments

GoogleBot used as HTTP Agent by Hackers/Botscripts

Published on September 5th 2012 - Listed in PHP Internet Linux Hacks - 0 comments

Spam-Attacks (possibly Dark Mailer) through abused FTP account within 1s

Published on September 3rd 2012 - Listed in Internet PHP Linux Hacks Mail - 0 comments

Script to calculate/show percentage of current year passed

Published on August 13th 2012 - Listed in Linux PHP Shell Coding - 0 comments

Joomla forms (PHPMailer) do not work with mini_sendmail

Published on July 17th 2012 - Listed in Internet PHP Linux Mail - 0 comments

PHP mail() not working in chroot vhost (Could not execute mail delivery...)

Published on June 22nd 2012 - last updated on July 2nd 2024 - Listed in PHP Linux Mail - 2 comments

Testing Roundcube 0.8 Release Candidate (plugin compatibility)

Published on May 27th 2012 - Listed in PHP Mail Roundcube - 0 comments

Manage Confixx SpamAssassin User Settings in Roundcube

Published on April 20th 2012 - Listed in Internet PHP Mail Roundcube - 0 comments

Joomla CMS hacks by using vulnerability in com_fabrik

Published on January 26th 2012 - Listed in Internet PHP Hacks Security - 4 comments

Roundcube: PHP Error: Failed to load plugin file on PHP 5.3.8

Published on December 29th 2011 - Listed in PHP Roundcube - 0 comments

Deprecated PHP Warnings after Confixx upgrade to 3.3.9

Published on December 15th 2011 - Listed in Linux PHP - 1 comments

Apache mod comparison: mod_php vs mod_suphp vs mod_fcgid vs mod_fastcgi

Published on December 4th 2011 - last updated on March 22nd 2019 - Listed in Linux PHP Internet Apache - 2 comments

Update on the timthumb Wordpress hack - it happened again!

Published on November 12th 2011 - Listed in Linux PHP Internet Hacks - 0 comments

Wordpress timthumb hack - a PHP hack story

Published on November 9th 2011 - Listed in Linux PHP Hacks Wordpress - 0 comments

Problems when compiling PHP 5.3.8 with fpm and fastcgi (php-cgi)

Published on October 26th 2011 - Listed in PHP Linux - 0 comments

Upgraded to PHP 5.3: Suddenly open_basedir restriction warnings appear

Published on August 3rd 2011 - Listed in PHP Linux - 0 comments

PHP 5.3.6 configure fails: libjpeg.(a|so) or libpng.(a|so) not found

Published on August 3rd 2011 - Listed in PHP Linux - 0 comments

Confixx upgrade 3.3.6 -> 3.3.8: Some notes

Published on July 29th 2011 - Listed in Linux PHP - 0 comments

PHP compilation fails on IMAP U8T_DECOMPOSE: The Debian solution

Published on July 26th 2011 - Listed in PHP Linux - 0 comments

Apache segfault on phpinfo after PHP update (eAccelerator)

Published on January 30th 2011 - Listed in PHP Linux Apache - 0 comments

On a Hacker's trail

Published on January 25th 2011 - Listed in Internet Linux PHP Hacks - 2 comments

Completely renewed delapacheuserfiles.php

Published on January 7th 2011 - Listed in PHP Apache - 0 comments

HowTo Change Confixx email account password in Roundcube

Published on August 14th 2010 - Listed in Internet Linux PHP Database MySQL Roundcube - 0 comments

PHP Compilation fails after upgrade to Debian lenny

Published on March 19th 2010 - Listed in PHP Linux - 0 comments

Argh - already a bugfix for delapacheuserfiles.php

Published on January 18th 2010 - Listed in PHP Apache - 0 comments

How to delete files created by Apache user?

Published on January 16th 2010 - last updated on November 23rd 2023 - Listed in PHP Apache - 0 comments

Installing Zend Optimizer on PHP 5.2.11 and Apache worker

Published on January 10th 2010 - Listed in PHP Linux Apache - 0 comments

PHP 5.2.8 is out! hmmm...

Published on December 12th 2008 - Listed in PHP - 0 comments

Wrong latin1 Umlaut entries with phpMyAdmin 3.1.0

Published on December 4th 2008 - Listed in PHP Database MySQL - 0 comments

PHP make install on a Debian system with Apache 2

Published on October 13th 2008 - Listed in PHP Linux Shell Apache - 0 comments

Current project: Webserver Transfer

Published on June 19th 2008 - Listed in Linux PHP Personal - 0 comments

New How To's

Published on June 4th 2008 - Listed in VMware PHP Linux Shell Internet - 0 comments

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