How to switch to LDAPS as authentication backend in Elasticsearch and solve certificate errors

Published on December 14th 2023 - Listed in Elasticsearch ELK Windows - 0 comments

Bugfix in Elasticsearch monitoring plugin check_es_system, version 1.12.1 released

Published on September 30th 2023 - Listed in Elasticsearch ELK Monitoring - 0 comments

Handling validity check failed and empty client certificate chain errors in Elasticsearch

Published on March 1st 2022 - last updated on March 7th 2022 - Listed in Elasticsearch ELK Monitoring TLS SSL Security - 0 comments

Thousands of JSON parsing errors after Logstash upgrade to 7.15

Published on December 6th 2021 - last updated on January 3rd 2022 - Listed in Elasticsearch ELK Logstash - 0 comments

Elasticsearch monitoring plugin check_es_system 1.12.0 released: Major improvements and enhancements!

Published on December 3rd 2021 - Listed in Elasticsearch ELK Monitoring - 0 comments

Elasticsearch: unknown setting [xpack notification slack account my-watcher url]

Published on October 12th 2021 - Listed in Elasticsearch ELK - 0 comments

Elasticsearch failed on parsing mappings on index creation ([_default_] mappings are not allowed)

Published on October 5th 2021 - Listed in Elasticsearch ELK - 1 comments

Elasticsearch X-Pack error after upgrade: Incorrect realm settings found

Published on October 1st 2021 - Listed in Elasticsearch ELK - 0 comments

Elasticsearch error: The index was created with version [x.x.x] but the minimum compatible version is [x.x.x]

Published on September 30th 2021 - Listed in Elasticsearch ELK - 0 comments

How to quickly change the number of replicas setting in an Elasticsearch Index

Published on July 19th 2021 - Listed in Elasticsearch ELK Monitoring - 0 comments

Elasticsearch monitoring plugin check_es_system 1.11.1 released: Two bug fixes

Published on June 16th 2021 - Listed in Elasticsearch Monitoring ELK - 0 comments

Prevent certain log events/messages to be indexed into Elasticsearch by using Logstash drop filters

Published on January 19th 2021 - Listed in ELK Logstash Elasticsearch VMware - 0 comments

Monitoring plugin check_es_system 1.11.0 released: Show read only index(es) in output and jq is the new default JSON parser

Published on November 25th 2020 - Listed in Elasticsearch Monitoring ELK - 0 comments

Release 1.10.1 of monitoring plugin check_es_system fixes thresholds in jthreads check type

Published on November 10th 2020 - Listed in Monitoring Elasticsearch - 0 comments

Nginx and Apache access logs in Kibana and how to search for request path / (slash)

Published on September 28th 2020 - last updated on September 29th 2020 - Listed in ELK Kibana Nginx Apache Elasticsearch - 0 comments

Release 1.10 of monitoring plugin check_es_system allows specific thread monitoring (using tps check type)

Published on September 16th 2020 - Listed in Monitoring Elasticsearch - 0 comments

Bugfix release 1.9.1 of monitoring plugin check_es_system fixes regression in read only check

Published on August 24th 2020 - Listed in Monitoring Elasticsearch - 0 comments

Release 1.9 of monitoring plugin check_es_system adds Elasticsearch cluster name in status check output

Published on July 23rd 2020 - Listed in Monitoring Elasticsearch - 0 comments

Release 1.8.1 of monitoring plugin check_es_system fixes bug in readonly check

Published on June 12th 2020 - Listed in Monitoring Elasticsearch - 0 comments

Logstash to Logstash log forwarding using the Lumberjack output plugin

Published on May 28th 2020 - Listed in ELK Elasticsearch Filebeat Logstash - 5 comments

Upgrading Filebeat from 5.x to 7.x and Logstash from 5.x to 6.x and circumvent the type field problem

Published on May 20th 2020 - Listed in ELK Elasticsearch Filebeat Logstash - 0 comments

Monitoring plugin check_es_system 1.8 is out, allows usage of jq json parser

Published on May 2nd 2020 - Listed in Monitoring Elasticsearch - 0 comments

Bugfix release 1.7.2 of monitoring plugin check_es_system

Published on April 9th 2020 - Listed in Monitoring Elasticsearch - 0 comments

Bugfix release 1.7.1 of monitoring plugin check_es_system

Published on April 1st 2020 - Listed in Monitoring Elasticsearch - 0 comments

HAProxy: How to use different HTTP Host header based on each backend server address

Published on December 11th 2019 - Listed in HAProxy Linux Elasticsearch ELK Cloud - 1 comments

Monitoring plugin check_es_system 1.7 released: Added check to verify Elasticsearch cluster master node

Published on November 4th 2019 - Listed in Elasticsearch Monitoring ELK - 0 comments

Kibana throws error X of Y shards failed on visualizations and dashboards

Published on September 30th 2019 - Listed in ELK Elasticsearch Filebeat - 0 comments

Elasticsearch rejected execution of processing of BulkShardRequest or: monitoring thread pools with check_es_system v 1.6!

Published on September 9th 2019 - Listed in Elasticsearch Monitoring ELK - 2 comments

Monitoring plugin check_es_system 1.5.1 released, fixes bug in Elasticsearch cluster health lookup

Published on September 5th 2019 - Listed in Elasticsearch Monitoring ELK - 0 comments

Version 1.5 of check_es_system adds monitoring for read-only indexes in Elasticsearch

Published on June 26th 2019 - Listed in Monitoring Elasticsearch Icinga Nagios ELK - 0 comments

Monitoring plugin check_es_system 1.4 released

Published on April 26th 2019 - Listed in Monitoring Elasticsearch Icinga Nagios ELK - 0 comments

Elasticsearch: Shards fail to allocate due to maximum number of retries exceeded

Published on April 5th 2019 - Listed in ELK Elasticsearch Linux - 1 comments

Monitoring plugin check_es_system 1.3 released

Published on April 3rd 2019 - Listed in Monitoring Elasticsearch Icinga Nagios ELK - 0 comments

Major update on Elasticsearch monitoring plugin check_es_system!

Published on February 20th 2019 - Listed in Monitoring Elasticsearch Icinga Nagios - 0 comments

Elasticsearch ignored disk watermark settings and enforced read only index

Published on January 28th 2019 - Listed in ELK Elasticsearch Linux - 0 comments

Reduce the number of shards of an Elasticsearch index (and template)

Published on December 27th 2018 - last updated on October 1st 2021 - Listed in ELK Elasticsearch - 1 comments

New version of check_es_system plugin fixes authentication problems

Published on January 5th 2018 - Listed in Monitoring Nagios Icinga Elasticsearch DB Database - 0 comments

ElasticSearch cluster stays red, stuck unassigned shards not being assigned

Published on December 19th 2017 - last updated on October 15th 2021 - Listed in ELK Linux Elasticsearch - 0 comments

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