Rancher 2.8 Kubernetes Upgrade on downstream cluster failed (another git process seems to be running)

Published on June 1st 2024 - Listed in Kubernetes Cloud Rancher Containers Docker - 0 comments

kubectl rollout error: unknown command restart deployment

Published on January 25th 2024 - Listed in Kubernetes Cloud Rancher Containers - 0 comments

Solving DNS issues due to outdated /etc/resolv.conf inside Rancher managed Kubernetes after a DNS server change

Published on April 9th 2023 - Listed in Docker Kubernetes Rancher Internet Cloud - 1 comments

check_rancher2 1.12.0 released: Monitoring of Rancher internal certificates in the local cluster

Published on February 2nd 2023 - Listed in Kubernetes Rancher Internet Cloud Monitoring - 0 comments

What to do when Rancher (Kubernetes) internal Ingress controller certificates have expired

Published on January 27th 2023 - Listed in Docker Kubernetes Rancher Internet Cloud Monitoring - 0 comments

check_rancher2 1.11.0 released: Allow ignoring specific workloads, treat provisioning cluster differently

Published on January 10th 2023 - Listed in Docker Kubernetes Rancher Internet Cloud Monitoring - 0 comments

check_rancher2 1.10.0 released: Handle newer Kubernetes versions, added ignore status in workload check

Published on September 14th 2022 - Listed in Docker Kubernetes Rancher Internet Cloud Monitoring - 0 comments

check_rancher2 1.9.0 released: Improvements in plugin output

Published on July 29th 2022 - Listed in Docker Kubernetes Rancher Internet Cloud Monitoring - 0 comments

check_rancher2 monitoring getting Authentication failed error on API Key with scope

Published on June 16th 2022 - Listed in Kubernetes Rancher Monitoring - 0 comments

check_rancher2 1.8.0: More performance data, new resource threshold (cpu, memory, pods) monitoring

Published on June 10th 2022 - Listed in Docker Kubernetes Rancher Internet Cloud Monitoring - 0 comments

Nginx Ingress configuration gone after Rancher and Kubernetes update

Published on March 23rd 2022 - Listed in Rancher Kubernetes Docker Cloud Containers Nginx - 0 comments

How to fix a Rancher 2 cluster node stuck registering in downstream cluster (not shown in UI)

Published on January 10th 2022 - Listed in Docker Kubernetes Rancher Internet Network Cloud Monitoring - 0 comments

Kubernetes node under disk pressure - but there is enough disk space in /var/lib/docker!

Published on December 15th 2021 - Listed in Rancher Kubernetes Docker Cloud Containers Linux - 0 comments

Cluster role issues after Kubernetes upgrade: error getting ClusterInformation: connection is unauthorized

Published on December 8th 2021 - Listed in Rancher Kubernetes Docker Cloud Containers - 0 comments

Monitoring plugin check_rancher2 1.7.1 released: Fix in cluster status check

Published on December 1st 2021 - Listed in Docker Kubernetes Rancher Internet Network Cloud Monitoring - 0 comments

Rancher managed Kubernetes (Docker) node unable to pull images after clean-up

Published on November 18th 2021 - Listed in Rancher Kubernetes Docker Cloud Containers Linux - 0 comments

Docker upgrade on Kubernetes node (Ubuntu) failed: The aufs storage-driver is no longer supported

Published on November 11th 2021 - Listed in Rancher Kubernetes Docker Cloud Containers - 0 comments

Missing calico-node role in Rancher managed Kubernetes cluster after K8s upgrade with RKE

Published on October 26th 2021 - last updated on November 25th 2021 - Listed in Rancher Kubernetes Docker Cloud Containers - 0 comments

Monitoring plugin check_rancher2 1.7.0 released: Pressure conditions on Kubernetes nodes

Published on October 21st 2021 - Listed in Monitoring Containers Kubernetes Rancher - 0 comments

How to monitor and handle evicted pods (containers) in Rancher managed Kubernetes

Published on September 17th 2021 - Listed in Docker Kubernetes Rancher Internet Network Cloud Monitoring - 0 comments

Monitoring plugin check_rancher2 1.6.1 released: Bugfix in cluster and project lookup

Published on August 25th 2021 - Listed in Docker Kubernetes Rancher Internet Network Cloud Monitoring - 0 comments

Unable to deploy Rancher managed Kubernetes in LXC/LXD containers due to kube-proxy and nf_conntrack_max values

Published on July 23rd 2021 - last updated on December 8th 2021 - Listed in Docker Kubernetes Rancher Internet Cloud Coding LXC Containers - 0 comments

Monitoring plugin check_rancher2 1.6.0 released: added performance data on single Kubernetes cluster check

Published on May 4th 2021 - Listed in Docker Kubernetes Rancher Internet Network Cloud Monitoring - 0 comments

Monitoring plugin check_rancher2 1.5.0 released: jq is now required instead of jshon, fixes cluster health check

Published on April 14th 2021 - Listed in Docker Kubernetes Rancher Internet Network Cloud Monitoring - 0 comments

Fixing the Monitoring API is not ready error in Rancher 2 Kubernetes clusters

Published on February 18th 2021 - last updated on February 19th 2021 - Listed in Docker Kubernetes Rancher Internet Network Cloud Monitoring - 0 comments

Rancher 2 Kubernetes cluster shows alerts on Controller Manager and Scheduler - but why? A jump into the Kubernetes rabbit hole.

Published on February 11th 2021 - last updated on August 26th 2021 - Listed in Docker Kubernetes Rancher Internet Network Cloud Monitoring - 0 comments

Monitoring plugin check_rancher2 1.4.0 released: Kubernetes namespace awareness for workload (service) checks

Published on February 10th 2021 - Listed in Kubernetes Containers Rancher Monitoring - 0 comments

A Rancher 2 upgrade gone bad: Management cluster down (a.k.a. you really need to ditch helm v2 and use helm v3)

Published on February 9th 2021 - last updated on February 16th 2021 - Listed in Docker Kubernetes Rancher Internet Cloud - 0 comments

How to solve Kubernetes upgrade in Rancher 2 failing with remote error: tls: bad certificate

Published on January 28th 2021 - Listed in Docker Kubernetes Rancher Internet Cloud - 0 comments

How to deploy your own remote public IP address lookup service (in Kubernetes using Rancher 2)

Published on December 11th 2020 - Listed in Docker Kubernetes Rancher Internet Network Cloud - 0 comments

Rancher 2 managed Kubernetes node slow due to Prometheus / How to find the reason for a slow node and dynamically adjust resource limits

Published on September 23rd 2020 - last updated on September 25th 2020 - Listed in Kubernetes Containers Rancher Monitoring - 1 comments

kubectl shows error You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized) after Kubernetes upgrade

Published on June 30th 2020 - Listed in Kubernetes Containers Rancher - 1 comments

Kubernetes clusters and their Achilles heels: etcd, its fault tolerance and working it in two location data centers

Published on June 29th 2020 - Listed in Rancher Kubernetes Containers - 0 comments

New release 1.3.0 of monitoring plugin check_rancher2 adds parameter to ignore node status(es)

Published on June 17th 2020 - Listed in Kubernetes Rancher Containers Monitoring - 0 comments

New release 1.2.3 of monitoring plugin check_rancher2 is available

Published on May 25th 2020 - Listed in Kubernetes Rancher Containers Monitoring - 0 comments

Rancher 2: Kubernetes cluster provisioning fails with error response / is not a shared mount

Published on April 24th 2020 - Listed in Rancher Kubernetes Containers - 0 comments

Bugfix release 1.2.2 of monitoring plugin check_rancher2 is available

Published on January 29th 2020 - Listed in Kubernetes Rancher Containers Monitoring - 0 comments

Rancher 2 Kubernetes certificates expired! How to rotate your expired certificates?

Published on November 8th 2019 - last updated on November 11th 2019 - Listed in Kubernetes Rancher Containers - 2 comments

How to use the Docker host IP address within an application container (and allow communication across clusters)

Published on September 25th 2019 - last updated on September 26th 2019 - Listed in Docker Rancher Containers Linux - 0 comments

Kubernetes upgrade through Rancher gone bad: Lost DNS after upgrading 1.13 to 1.14.

Published on September 12th 2019 - last updated on September 13th 2019 - Listed in Kubernetes Rancher Containers - 0 comments

Monitoring plugin check_rancher2 version 1.2.0 released

Published on September 3rd 2019 - Listed in Rancher Monitoring Kubernetes - 0 comments

How to upgrade Kubernetes version in a Rancher 2 managed cluster

Published on August 28th 2019 - last updated on February 12th 2021 - Listed in Kubernetes Rancher Docker Containers - 7 comments

Docker container filesystem running out of space - how to find out which container to blame and handle large container json logs

Published on August 15th 2019 - Listed in Linux Rancher Containers Docker - 1 comments

Create a persistent data volume from NFS share for Docker containers in Rancher 1.6

Published on June 13th 2019 - Listed in Rancher Docker Containers NFS - 2 comments

Upgrade Rancher 2 version on HA management cluster with helm

Published on February 14th 2019 - last updated on January 11th 2023 - Listed in Rancher Docker Kubernetes Containers - 0 comments

How to solve Rancher 1.x service stuck in removing (in progress)

Published on February 13th 2019 - last updated on March 13th 2019 - Listed in Rancher Docker Linux Database MySQL - 1 comments

Monitoring plugin check_rancher2 1.0.0 available, leaving beta phase

Published on November 9th 2018 - Listed in Monitoring Icinga Containers Rancher - 0 comments

How to use kubectl on a Rancher 2 managed Kubernetes cluster

Published on September 21st 2018 - Listed in Docker Containers Linux Rancher - 0 comments

How to create a persistent volume in Rancher 2.x from a NFS share

Published on June 27th 2018 - last updated on May 10th 2021 - Listed in Rancher Docker NFS Containers - 0 comments

Rancher 1.6: Github user not able to login (Internal Server Error)

Published on May 31st 2018 - Listed in Docker Rancher Linux DB Database MySQL Git - 0 comments

Handling different timezones of HAProxy logs in ELK stack

Published on August 28th 2017 - last updated on March 19th 2020 - Listed in Docker Rancher Linux ELK HAProxy Containers - 1 comments

Rancher: Error response from daemon /usr/bin/dockerd (deleted)

Published on January 23rd 2017 - Listed in Linux Rancher Containers Docker - 3 comments

Reset (clean up) a Rancher Docker Host / Kubernetes Node

Published on October 28th 2016 - last updated on July 10th 2023 - Listed in Linux Virtualization Containers Rancher Cloud Kubernetes - 0 comments

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