monitoring plugins
If I remember correctly, I came across Nagios the first time in 2006. Since then monitoring systems and applications caught my interest and kind of stuck with me. My first public monitoring plugin was in 2008 (check_mysql_slavestatus), since then a lot of plugins have followed.
The following is a list of monitoring plugins I develop and/or maintain.
If you are looking for commercial support on any of these plugins (active or EOL) or need customized monitoring plugins or modifications, please contact us at
- check_esxi_hardware
A plugin to check the hardware status of physical VMware ESX/ESXi servers.
- check_smart
A plugin to monitor the SMART values of physical hard or solid state drives. Also works with hardware raid controllers.
- check_rancher2
A plugin to monitor a Kubernetes container infrastructure managed by SUSE Rancher 2.x.
- check_es_system
A plugin to monitor the system (disk and memory) usage of an ElasticSearch cluster/node.
- check_lxc
A plugin to monitor the system usage (cpu and memory) of a Linux Container (LXC).
- check_sftp
A plugin to monitor SFTP server(s).
- check_equallogic
A plugin to check a Dell Equallogic SAN.
- check_zpools
A plugin to monitor the ZFS Pool (zpool) disk usage and status of the drives.
- check_mysql_slavestatus
A plugin to check the status of a MySQL or MariaDB replication slave.
- check_mysql_write
A plugin to check if MySQL or MariaDB server can do write operations.
- check_couchdb_replication
A plugin to monitor the status of CouchDB replications.
- check_netio
A plugin to monitor Linux network interfaces.
- check_win_net_usage
A plugin or wrapper to monitor Windows network usage (in and out at the same time).
- check_shelly
A plugin to monitor Shelly IOT devices.
- check_ibm_ts_tape

A plugin to check an IBM System Storage TS Tape Library.
- check_dd_vtapes

A plugin to monitor how many (virtual) tapes are left available on a Datadomain VTL.
- check_promise_vtrak

A plugin to monitor a Promise Vtrak storage device.
- check_infoblox

A plugin to monitor an Infoblox DNS/DHCP appliance.
- check_weblogic_heap

A plugin to check the memory heap utilisation of a Weblogic application server.
- check_storcenter

A plugin to check an EMC/Iomega StorCenter NAS.
- check_confixxlicense

A plugin to check the validity of a Parallels Confixx License.
This plugin is EOL
more monitoring plugins
The following monitoring plugins are developed/maintained by other monitoring fellows but highly recommended:
- check_openmanage Check the Dell server hardware by using this plugin in combination with OpenManage (installed on the server). check_openmanage can be used locally on the server (as NRPE check) or get the information from a remote server via SNMP. A must for Dell hardware! Written by Trond Hasle Amundsen.
- check_raid Monitor the status of RAIDs. Supports hardware raid controllers and software raid. Maintained by Elan Ruusamäe.
- check_hpasm A plugin to check the hardware of HP servers. Uses HP Insight Agents to query hardware status via SNMP. It's like check_openmanage but for HP servers. Written by Gerhard Lausser.
- check_vmware_esx This plugin is a fork of the (once famous) check_vmware_api (before that known as check_esx) by OP5. It can be used for several checks on VMware ESX/ESXi servers (e.g. disk utilization, cpu and memory usage, etc.). It uses the VMware Perl API which needs to be installed on the monitoring server. You can follow by step by step guide how to install the VMware Perl SDK.
- check_oracle_health This plugin, written by Gerhard Lausser, checks your Oracle database for fonctionality and usage (Connections, Flash Recovery, Process Usage, Session Usage, Tablespace Fragmentation, Tablespace). It can be executed locally on the Oracle server or also on the Nagios server by using a connect string.
- check_logfiles Another plugin from Gerhard Lausser. This is a very powerful plugin using all kinds of regular expressions to search for patterns in log files. I mainly use this on Windows hosts for application log files.
- check_nwc_health This plugin is one huge network monitoring plugin. It supports all kinds of different network devices, from Cisco over Checkpoint to Juniper and Brocade and so on. Instead of using many different plugins for each network device, this plugin tries to be the "all 4 one" plugin and it does the job very well.
- check_haproxy There are many different monitoring plugins for HAProxy available, but this one is clearly the best one. It adds performance data for each backend. Certain backends can be ignored using the -i parameter. The original author is Stéphane Urbanovski.
- check_apachestatus A great monitoring plugin to check the status of an Apache web server. It uses the /server-status URL to identify how many Apache threads are in which state.
- check_mem The best available monitoring plugin to check and measure memory usage. Works not only on Linux but also on BSD and Solaris based OS. Maintained by Justin Ellison.
- check_cpu_stats A very helpful plugin to see the CPU usage in percentage. Works very well in cgroup limit environments, too.
- The best and easiest to use monitoring plugin for Varnish Cache. Uses varnishstat in the background and supports multiple Varnish instances on the same machine.
more monitoring software
- NSClient++ is a small client/agent to install on a Windows host. It will run as a service and receives commands from the monitoring server (using check_nt or check_nrpe). The ultimate monitoring agent to integrate Windows hosts into your open source monitoring solution. NSClient++ is maintained by Michael Medin.
- Thruk is an alternative user interface which can be used for Nagios, Icinga 1.x, Icinga 2.x, and Naemon. It can use Livestatus or a MySQL database to talk to the monitoring system in the backend. Thruk features a very nice SLA reporting tool (as of this writing in March 2019 Icingaweb2 still is unable to create availability reports and the icinga2-classicui is not supported anymore). Thruk is maintained by Sven Nierlein.